2016. február 23., kedd

Párizsi Kocka - Hungarian chocolate dessert

This is a dark chocolate dessert with coffee cream.

Rate: 7/10
Sweetness: 6/10
Quality: 6/10

Cocomax Coconut bar

Cocoa bar filled with a white coconut part, covered with coconut flakes.

My rating: 4/10
Sweetness: 6/10
Taste: 4/10
Wrapping: 4/10
Quality: Eeveryday sweet, nothing special

2016. február 21., vasárnap

Hungarian Stühmer desserts - Korfu Kocka

Eggwhite frappe with honey, covered with dark chocolate.
This is a square shape dessert with two layers: a white one from egg white and a brown one with chocolate fondant.

Subscribe to my channel for more chocolate desserts!

2016. február 16., kedd

Leonidas Chocolate box

Leonidas is a Belgian chocolate brand. One of the cheaper brands. It's not bad, but not so sophisticated.
I don't like it very much.